Regulation 2024 Season

Respect the regulation to respect all holidaymakers

These Regulations are valid for the current season 2024 for the Leucosia Village – Via Lago,12 – Castellabate (SA) – ( Liberi Orizzonti Srl) and are an integral part of the contract stipulated with guests upon their arrival and signed in all its parts. These Regulations are displayed inside the facility. These regulations concern operational details and organisational specifications that are also an integral part of these Rules and Regulations. Entry into the Village constitutes full acceptance of the conditions and rules in these Rules and Regulations. Before and/or during the summer opening, the Rules and Regulations may be amended and/or supplemented.


It is forbidden for outsiders to enter. Persons caught inside the Village without an identification bracelet/pass, unregistered or, in any case, unauthorised will be reported to the competent authorities for trespassing pursuant to art. 614 of the Italian Penal Code. Persons caught inside the Village without the necessary passes and/or registration or, in any case, unauthorised, will be charged an amount equal to the “additional person” rate of €. 25 euros multiplied by five. The Guest shall be jointly and severally liable for this payment as well as for the actions carried out by the Guest himself/herself.


Upon arrival, to gain access to the Village, you will be given a personal identification bracelet/badge and a car card, both of which are non-transferable. The bracelet/personal identification badge allows you to enter and stay in the Village.

It must be worn compulsorily during the entire period of the stay and must be shown spontaneously upon entry and at the request of our staff also during checks at the commercial facilities and accommodation units to verify registered persons. Persons caught inside the Village without identification bracelets/badges and registrations, or in any case unauthorised persons, will be charged an amount as defined in the previous point “Strangers and Unregistered Guests”. Please check that the information on the acceptance document is correct, that it corresponds to the type of accommodation unit and the number of people.


The contract includes only one car/motorbike (not transferable to others) per unit, which must be parked in the areas indicated by the Management, and must not circulate in the village. The car in question will have a numbered identification card for which a deposit of 20 euros is required, which will be returned when the car is returned. The card allows the entrance barrier to the parking area outside the Village to be opened and is not transferable to others. A badge/pass with number plate and names will also be given. Any other cars/motorcycles, either one’s own or those of friends/daily visitors, must be authorised to enter by the Management at an additional cost of 10 euros, as per contract and price list. The Village reserves the right to accept additional cars/motorcycles, after checking the maximum admissions allowed.

Access to the Village’s avenues will be controlled by a chain placed immediately after the “piazzetta”, which will prevent free access to vehicles other than service or emergency vehicles. The movement of any vehicle is strictly forbidden from 11.00 p.m. until 9.00 a.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. when the gates and the entrance bar will be closed. Parking near the pitches is absolutely not permitted. Should the vehicle be parked inside the Village, the Management is authorised to remove it and the owner will be registered as a “defaulter of Village rules”. The car/motorbike allowed inside will be provided with an identification pass to be visibly affixed. Cars/motorcycles without a regular pass may not enter the car park and, if found inside, will be removed at the owners’ expense, without any liability for any damage caused. The Management is not liable for any damage or theft caused to cars/motorcycles in the facility or in the car park. The area used for parking and parking motorbikes, cars and other vehicles is not guarded and no liability is accepted for theft, damage, malicious acts and/or accidents, however occurring to vehicles. It is advisable to take out insurance in advance.


It is forbidden to place in the area of the beach within five metres from the shoreline, deckchairs, recreational units, mattresses, even simple beach towels or other things that are an obstacle to transit and bathing. The ban also extends beyond five metres from the shoreline to the first row of beach umbrellas. Waste must be placed in the appropriate containers, differentiated by type. It is forbidden to deposit them even momentarily in any other place. It is forbidden to throw cigarette butts or other waste on the beach. Animals of any kind may not be brought into the establishment, even if muzzled or leashed, with the exception of guide dogs for the blind.

Each beach umbrella may accommodate a maximum of four persons; it is therefore recommended not to exceed this presence to avoid unpleasant crowding. Customers must behave in a correct and convenient manner and in any case in such a way as not to cause disturbance. The Management reserves the right to suspend access to individuals or families who have behaved improperly or in a detrimental manner towards the Liberi Orizzonti Company and/or customers, or who are in arrears for any reason whatsoever, and will be reported as defaulters. It is Liberi Orizzonti’s right to add rows of umbrellas to the existing ones, with the right, whenever the need arises, to reposition the customer while maintaining, as far as possible, the same condition of the previously assigned beach place. It is forbidden to play ball on the beach.

The customer must comply with the provisions contained in these Regulations, in the Ordinances of the Municipality of Santa Maria di Castellabate and the Agropoli Harbour Master’s Office, and in the Municipal Regulations for the use of the Maritime State Property. The documents are displayed at the entrance of the establishment. Failure to comply with the rules will result in the offender being expelled and reported as a defaulter.


Everyone is obliged to respect the following afternoon and night rest times: – afternoon rest: from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm – night rest: from midnight to 8:00 am (except for scheduled shows and/or entertainment activities). During rest hours, silence and respect for the peace and quiet of others must be observed, both in the Village and on the beach. The use of cars or motorbikes leaving the Village and the use of bicycles should also be avoided. Only the circulation, when necessary, of the structure’s service and rescue vehicles is permitted.


Children up to 6 years of age must be accompanied to the toilets or showers. The cleaning staff in the toilets are authorised to remove unaccompanied children. Adults are directly responsible for the behaviour of their children. Care must be taken to ensure that their liveliness does not disturb other guests. In particular, parents are asked to ensure that their children respect the hours of silence and avoid using bicycles during rest hours.


Small/medium-sized pets are allowed (up to a maximum of 5 kg), however, always with the authorisation of Reception. Pets must be kept exclusively in their own living quarters; they may not be taken into the communal areas, nor may they be taken for walks inside the Village. Their needs must always be removed by their owners.

Prohibitions and regulations.

It is forbidden:

1) letting unregistered guests and persons into the Village without prior authorisation;

2) bring in dogs or other pets without prior authorisation from Reception;

3) lighting fires inside the Village and on the beach;

4) trampling flower beds and damaging plants and vegetation; The Village reserves the right to charge for any costs.

6) damaging Village facilities, services and equipment; The Village reserves the right to charge for any costs.

7) making noise and/or causing disturbance during the afternoon rest hours (from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm) and during the night rest hours (from midnight to 8:00 am);

9) to dry clothes by hanging them on wires or leaving clotheslines outside their pitch;

10) to install shade cloths and/or horizontal and vertical screens of any kind;

11) to ride bicycles, tricycles, quadricycles, scooters, hoverboards, etc., whether electric or motorised and/or with pedal assistance

12) playing with balls throughout the village

13) to install antennas, artefacts, pre-entries, and other electrical equipment unless previously authorised.

14) any unauthorised artefacts or connections will be removed by the Management at the expense of the customer responsible.


For the decorum of the Village, please use folding clotheslines and place them on the veranda.

The use of radio and television is permitted as long as their volume is not perceived outside the accommodation unit. Playing musical instruments is not permitted in the living areas of the Village at any time of the day. It is also not permitted to play football or participate in nuisance sports both inside the Village and on the beach.


The Village reserves the right to expel without delay those Guests who, in its sole discretion, through their behaviour or failure to respect the normal rules of politeness, or through inconvenience caused to other guests, or for reasons of security, disturb the peace and quiet of others, or violate the rules and regulations in force at the Village.


Guests who find lost items, either on the beach or inside the Village, are kindly requested to hand them over to Reception immediately. The Management declines any and all responsibility for objects lost inside the Village.


All guests are required to sort their waste according to the methods in use in the Municipality of Castellabate and in the Village and specifically regulated. The Village reserves the right to charge the costs, necessary for the differentiation of waste and/or the fines imposed by the control bodies, to those who do not comply with the regulations.


It is obligatory to respect the village, plants, grounds, equipment, hygiene and cleanliness of the entire facility; any damage will be charged to the person causing it. Environmental and energy-saving behaviour is required of everyone. In particular:

– do not throw rubbish out of the rubbish bins;

– separate paper, plastic, glass and batteries from other waste and throw them in the appropriate containers;

– do not damage vegetation, do not pick flowers, do not remove fruit from trees, do not trample flower beds, do not stretch ropes between plants, do not dig holes;

– do not tamper with or remove equipment;

– do not leave lights on unnecessarily;

– close doors and windows when the air conditioner is in use;

– close taps after use so as not to waste water;

– do not spill soapy or detergent water on the ground;

– do not light bonfires.

The Management reserves the right to amend these Rules and Regulations during the course of the year in order to accommodate any different needs that may arise.